Turkish Airlines Business Class Tableware Design

Team Introduction

Yang Shu


About Emirates

Turkish Airlines is one of the world's airlines with the most extensive route networks. As Turkey's largest airline, Turkish Airlines is renowned for its comfortable and luxurious services, with its aviation cuisine being particularly distinctive.



In the course of Product Interaction and Scenario Design, after extensive research, we have observed that the existing tableware design of Turkish Airlines lacks uniqueness and refinement, failing to convey the essence of Turkish culture.


Sam Chui

The Australian-Chinese aviation critic and travel YouTuber, born in Beijing and currently residing in the United Arab Emirates, has gained significant popularity. His YouTube channel boasts over 3 million subscribers, with a total view count exceeding 600 million. Additionally, he has authored four publications focusing on civil aviation.

Flight Infomation

The subject of this research is Turkish Airlines flight TK-36, departing from Montreal Airport in Canada at 21:55 and scheduled to arrive in Istanbul, Turkey, at approximately 15:25 the next day. The total flight duration is 9 hours and 30 minutes, including welcome drinks, dinner, beverages, dessert, and breakfast.


In this tableware design, my design philosophy includes the following four points:

  1. 通过还原使用场景,追求独特的设计和卓越的用户体验。
  2. 将土耳其文化元素与航空餐具的设计相结合,创造独特的用餐体验。
  3. 通过有序的设计流程和系统化的设计方法,确保餐具的设计既符合土耳其文化元素,又满足航空公司的需求和考虑。
  4. 追求高品质的材料和精致的工艺,打造稳定而美观的餐具设计。


Turkish Airlines Business Class Tableware Design

Phase 1: Conceptual Hand-drawn Sketches

The above represents the conceptual hand-drawn color sketch phase. I took inspiration from some classic elements in Islamic culture, incorporating the distinctive features of the pulled-forming technique found in Turkish Iznik ceramics into the design of the tableware.

Phase 2: Paper Model Deduction

In this step, I use paper models to simulate usage scenarios. Assuming the role of a user, I meticulously iterate and modify the paper model, establishing basic and accurate spatial dimensions before modeling. This gradual process allows for the refinement and optimization of the tableware design.

Actual Photograph

Through creating physical models, the designer transforms concepts into reality to showcase the overall effect of the tableware design. Unfortunately, the results of this physical model are not satisfactory. My personal 3D printer is malfunctioning, and the school's CNC precision engraving machine is also out of order. As a result, the current model is only a partial completion.


In the rendering image, I opted for a smooth ceramic texture combined with a light yellow brass material, complemented by the distinctive red color of Turkish Airlines. The visual effect is vibrant and eye-catching.


  1. 纸模型可以充分模拟场景,在模拟过程中可以发现空间布局以及尺寸问题,为后期建模铺平道路。
  2. 四周嵌合的结构需要0.2mm公差,但是凹凸结构无需公差。
  3. 对机器不要过分依赖,做两手准备,提高抗风险能力。必要且紧急的时候,先保证有没有,再解决好不好。

Yang Shu

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One response

  1. 常规来说,在一堆工具加持下,一个人才能够独立完成一整套设计,但是你不同,你不仅选择了最经典(传统) 的工作流,还是一支单兵作战的队伍。从结果来看,非常棒!

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