刺激物:1.4份个人叙事 2.非叙事对照(VCR录音机手册的描述)3.音频对照(一篇文章的反转语音)
- 在个人叙述和反转语音的对比中,个人叙述的更强的ISC出现在初级听觉皮层之外的颞叶,以及后内侧皮层、前扣带和背外侧前额叶皮层周围。
- 在个人叙述和VCR文本的对比中,这些区域包括楔前区、前扣带、后扣带和TPJ。
- 个人叙述与VCR文本或反向语音相比,高阶处理和整合信息有关的区域的ISC明显更强。
H1a: 听任何信息,无论是什么信息类型,都能促进听觉皮层中强大的ISC效应。反转语音只能引起听觉区域的共同活动,非叙事性的口语主要在语言区域,但叙事促使集体参与广泛的听觉、语言和高阶大脑过程。
- 与VCR文本相比,个人叙事显示的ISC分析表明,观众大脑对dmPFC、背外侧前额叶皮层(dlPFC)、aCC、pCC和TPJ的参与程度明显更高。这些区域参与了更高层次的功能,包括自我反思、思考、显著性处理、社会和动力过程以及记忆再三性。叙事接收需要语言处理、社会认知形成处理、情感信息处理,以及随着时间的推移不断整合信息。
- 叙述强烈的ISCs是由故事层面出现的因素所驱动的,既叙述的社会和道德内容是决定其对大众受众影响的关键因素,以此为基础研究匹配根据媒体内容和个人接受者或具有类似特征的亚群的个人需求。未来研究可能会尝试操纵信息内容的变量,测试区域反应是否与叙述与个人相关的程度有关,若是成功,该方法可以用来研究成功的信息定位机制和与问题参与有关的社会影响。
- 该论文的研究通过ISC作为参与指数提供了新的结果拓展了现有的传播理论范围;
- 提供了以生物学为导向的视角,来说明一条信息如何对不同的受众产生共同影响;
- 相对于传统的神经影像学范式,这项研究提供了高度的外部有效性,更贴近日常生活中遇到的叙述;
- 关于内容的多样性:调查了受众对正面价值的信息内容的大脑参与情况,结果表明,在自然条件下,积极评价的内容能像消极评价的内容一样有效的激发注意力,用以研究由不同价值的内容诱发的基于大脑的参与差异。
- 对于叙述机制的研究不够深入。叙述可以在许多方面有所不同。尽管我们认为个人叙事由于包含了主人公的个人动机而促进了大脑功能的集体调整,但未来的工作可以通过改变信息中代词的数量、改变视角(第一或第三人称)或改变重点人物的数量来增加这一概念的具体性。
- 不能模拟现实源源不断的,在形式和内容上差别很大的信息源,叙述比较单一。而且这种意识体验的反馈不是自我报告自省实现,而是通过fMRI数据来进行测量,提供了一种补充类型的数据。
Stories Collectively Engage Listeners’Brains: Enhanced Intersubject Correlations during Reception of Personal Narratives
Audiences’ engagement with mediated messages lies at the center of media effects research. However, the neurocognitive components underlying audience engagement remain unclear. A neuroimaging study was conducted to determine whether personal narratives engage the brains of audience members more than non-narrative messages and to investigate the brain regions that facilitate this effect. Intersubject correlations of brain activity during message exposure showed that listening to personal narratives elicited strong audience engagement as evidenced by robust correlations across participants’ frontal and parietal lobes compared to a nonpersonal control text and a reversed language control stimulus. Thus, personal narratives were received and processed more consistently and reliably within specific brain regions. The findings contribute toward a biologically informed explanation for how personal narratives
engage audiences to convey information.
Part1 Pre-knowledge introduction
1.The concept of engagement in the literature on narratives and cognitive
2.Brain systems involved in processing personal narratives
3.Measuring collective engagement across the brains of listeners
Part2 Hypothesis – Experiment – Procedure – Analysis
1. Hypothesis
H1a: Personal narratives induce overall more similar neural processes, or stronger ISCs, in listeners’ brains compared to impersonal or non-narrative messages.
H1b: Personal narratives will promote stronger ISCs compared to non-narrative messages, particularly in brain regions associated with motivational, semantic and social cognitive processing.
2. Experiment
Participants: 33 students (13 males and 20 females, mean age 20.5 years) from the University, with 23 final complete data collected.
Stimuli: 1.4 personal narratives 2. non-narrative controls (descriptions from the VCR recorder manual) 3. audio controls (reverse voice of an article)
Pre-preparation: Experimenters: individual preparation meetings were conducted.
Participants: signed consent forms – underwent anatomical scans – reduced impact audition stories – experimentalists tested and refined survey and imaging procedures
Experimental procedure: for each of the six functional runs, participants first listened to the information for 3 minutes with their eyes closed – rated its importance to them at the end of the narrative – recalled and narrated their feelings about themselves – completed the survey and finished
MRI acquisition and pre-processing: normal functional acquisition is performed – Error avoidance: to ensure quality of analysis, ISCAnalysis was performed on the last 2 minutes and 20 seconds of data from each format, which were not affected by transient morphology
The analysis is based on the needs of H1a and H1b, respectively.
Part3 Results – Discussion – Strengths and Limitations – Conclusion
Overall: Scoring within the scanner indicated that all personal narratives were rated as having high importance, with participants agreeing that the personal narratives told them more important information.
Regardless of the type of information, the auditory cortex showed a wide range of ISC values centred on the primary auditory cortex.
H1a: The brain maps corresponding to the four personal narratives showed broad importance correlations across parietal and frontal cortex, which was not the case for the brain maps corresponding to the reversed speech and VCR texts.
- In the contrast between personal narratives and reversed speech, the stronger ISC for personal narratives appeared outside of primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe, and around posterior medial cortex, anterior cingulate, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
- In the contrast between personal narratives and VCR texts, these areas included the precuneus, anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and TPJ.
- Personal narratives had significantly stronger ISC in areas related to higher-order processing and integration of information compared to VCR text or reverse speech.
This thesis study investigates the reception of individual narratives in the brain using inter-subject correlations from fMRI data as a measure of collective engagement generated by intermediaries. ISC is used as a process-based and neural approach to investigate how narratives engage listeners and to identify specific brain processes that mediate between narrative content and media effects.
H1a: Listening to any message, regardless of message type, promotes a powerful ISC effect in the auditory cortex. Inverted speech can only elicit joint activity in auditory areas, with non-narrative spoken language predominantly in linguistic areas, but narrative prompts collective engagement in a wide range of auditory, linguistic and higher order brain processes.
H1b:ISC analysis of personal narrative displays showed significantly higher involvement of the audience brain in the dmPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), aCC, pCC and TPJ compared to VCR text. These areas are involved in higher-level functions including self-reflection, reflection, salience processing, social and motivational processes, and memory re-transitivity. Narrative reception requires language processing, social-cognitive formation processing, emotional information processing, and ongoing integration of information over time.
Narrative strong ISCs are driven by factors that emerge at the story level, both the social and moral content of the narrative being key determinants of its impact on mass audiences, as a basis for research matching individual needs according to media content and individual recipients or subgroups with similar characteristics. Future research may attempt to manipulate the variables of message content to test whether regional responses are related to the extent to which the narrative is personally relevant, and if successful, the method could be used to investigate the mechanisms of successful message targeting and social influence in relation to issue engagement.
3.Strengths and Limitations
- The paper’s research extends the scope of existing communication theory by providing new results through ISC as an index of engagement.
- Provides a biologically oriented perspective on how a message can have a common impact on different audiences.
- The study provides a high degree of external validity relative to the traditional neuroimaging paradigm, more closely aligned with narratives encountered in everyday life.
- On content diversity: the brain engagement of audiences with positively valued message content was investigated and the results showed that positively valued content can be as effective as negatively valued content in stimulating attention under natural conditions, used to investigate differences in brain-based engagement induced by content of different values.
- The mechanisms of narrative have not been studied in sufficient depth. Narratives can vary in many ways. Although we believe that personal narratives facilitate a collective adaptation of brain function due to the inclusion of the protagonist’s personal motivations, future work could increase the specificity of this concept by changing the number of pronouns in the message, changing the point of view (first or third person) or changing the number of focal characters.
- It is not possible to simulate a constant source of reality, which varies greatly in form and content, and the narrative is rather homogeneous. Also this feedback of conscious experience is not achieved by self-reported introspection, but is measured by fMRI data, providing a complementary type of data.
To conclude, this study investigated the neural underpinnings of engaging personal narratives. Analyses confirmed that personal narratives elicit higher and robust ISCs across the brain compared to a descriptive message and reversed speech. Specifically, ISCs under conditions of engaging, positive, personal narratives were stronger in several regions of the frontal and parietal lobes as predicted including the TPJ, pCC, aCC, dmPFC, and dlPFC. Altogether, this study contributes to explicate the neural processes underlying audience engagement with personal narratives.
Grall, C., Tamborini, R., Weber, R., & Schmälzle, R. (2021). Stories Collectively Engage Listeners’ Brains: Enhanced Intersubject Correlations during Reception of Personal Narratives. Journal of Communication, 71(2), 332-355.